
Regulations and Advisories

It’s important to note that while the action starts up in mid April and lasts well into late December, the striped bass season in New York opens May 8th and closes December 15th. Catch-and-release, however, is permitted throughout the year. While the size limit is 28 inches, keeping fish remains unadvisable. The New York State Department of Health recommends that no one should eat more than one meal per week (8 ounces) of striped bass taken from Jamaica Bay. In the upper and lower bays of New York Harbor, women of childbearing age and children under the age of 15 should eat no striped bass taken from Upper and Lower Bays of New York Harbor. Other people should eat no more than one meal per month from this area. Regardless, these fish are beautiful and an incredible resource. Releasing them just makes more sense.
