Key Largo is the gateway to some of the best fishing destinations and is known as the dive capital of the world. Its low profile makes for the least pressured bonefishing in the Keys. The marshes and saw grass flats are home to redfish and snook. Offshore, amberjack, dolphin and tuna cruise reefs in hundreds of feet of water. However, only 3% of living coral remains in the Florida Keys. A big idea was hatched when marine scientists paired up with special operations veterans to perform conservation missions. Force Blue founder and CEO, Patxi Pastor, talks about the assembly of these vets doing extraordinary work including coral restoration. Through the leadership of NAUI, these vets can receive scientific diver recognition to continue restoring reefs globally. After four decades of marine conservation and education in the Keys, Pastor has seen the effects on the habitat. Force Blue is working to reclaim the reefs and make an impact in the lives of these veterans. Restoring the reefs is going to take consistent collaboration and dedicated fighters, Force Blue has both.