
Some four dozen species of sharks provide targets for anglers.

Some four dozen species of sharks provide targets for anglers, 17 of which inhabit both the Pacific and Atlantic. Both inshore waters and the open sea provide habitat for this varietal group of predators. Sharks hunt by scent and vibration, so the more active the live baits, the better, and the more oily cut or dead baits the better. Drift or still fishing both prove effective.

Fighting qualities of sharks vary. Some like hammerheads and great whites provide challenge through sheer size, demanding the heaviest tackle. Others such as blacktips, porbeagles, spinners and bull sharks offer a sporty fight, challenging on light or medium tackle; fights with mako and thresher sharks, rare in their ability to take the fight to the air, can be spectacular. Table rating for sharks run from unpalatable to excellent, depending on species, but live release is the prevalent practice.
