
IGFA Announces Legendary Captains & Crews

The 2014 honorees have been named and will be honored at the fourth annual awards ceremony.
Tommy Gilford

Tommy Gifford swordfishing off Nantucket in 1936

L to R: Michael Lerner, center is Tommy Gifford, for whom the award is named after, right is mate Larry Bagby.

Captains and crews are as much a part of the tapestry of game fishing as anglers and fish – and the truly great among them have woven some of the most distinct and impressive eras in our sport.

On February 15, 2014 at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania Beach, Florida, USA, the IGFA will honor the fourth class of extraordinary seafarers who hail from Australia, Puerto Rico, and the United States, but have made a mark on fishing all over the world.

The Fourth Annual Legendary Captains & Crews Awards Ceremony will recognize Captains and Crews that have contributed to sport fishing by invention, outstanding catch or catches, or have set an outstanding example of their trade. Recipients are bestowed with the Tommy Gifford Award, named for the one of the greatest saltwater charter skippers of all time. The 2014 honorees include:


Capt. Mike Benitez
Capt. Gary Ellis

Capt. Bill Hatch
Capt. Bouncer Smith
Capt. Dennis “Braazaka” Wallace

Click here to learn more about the 2014 event of past honorees.
