Several changes in the management of spotted Seatrout will be considered by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) at their upcoming meeting November 16th at Key Largo Grande Resort & Beach Club in Key Largo, Florida. Several of the management changes for Seatrout being proposed by the FWC would surely result in a significant increase in the commercial take of Seatrout, in spite of the tremendous economic value and numbers of jobs that the Seatrout fishery provides for our state.
FWC is recommending a two month extension on the three month commercial fishery along with opening a five month fishery in the northwest zone during the winter months. They are also considering a by-catch allowance of 75 fish for incidental catch, adding a beach and haul seine to the allowable gear, and are considering increasing the boat limit from 75 fish to 150 fish if there are two licensed commercial fishermen in the boat. Ultimately, the members of CCA Florida, while encouraged by the removal of recreational closed months, believe that the FWC would serve the citizens of Florida much better by making no changes to the current management scheme for Seatrout than it would be by making any of the changes currently on the table.
The tremendous economic and recreational value of Seatrout has been recognized by the states of Texas, South Carolina and Alabama, who have accorded Seatrout “no-sale” status, and by the state of Georgia, which imposes the same size and bag limits on commercial fishermen that apply to the general public.
Contact the Commissioners by clicking (HERE) and tell them NO to these proposed changes in the Seatrout fishery: