Bluewater Backcountry Challenge
Bluewater Sportfishing Boats has set June 8, 2013 as the date of its first annual Backcountry Challenge in Key Largo. Open to all anglers, the inshore tournament is team-based, with up to three anglers fishing for the largest redfish and seatrout catches in one day. The captains’ meeting is June 7, at Steamers in Key Largo, where at least one member of each team must be present. Complete details for the tournament are below:
Tournament Rules
REGISTRATION AND FEES: Entry fee is $200 per boat/team; fee must be received by June 7, 2013 during the captains’ meeting. Each boat is allowed a maximum of 3 anglers. Extra anglers may be added for $50 each, and includes an extra tournament shirt and food bands.
TYPE OF TOURNAMENT: This is a team tournament. No changes are permitted after the conclusion of the captains’ meeting. All fish must be entered for official weigh-in by a boat or team representative.
FISHING LICENSE: All participating anglers must possess valid Florida Saltwater Fishing Licenses.
CAPTAINS’ MEETING: There will be a captains’ meeting on June 7, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at Steamers in Key Largo. At least one representative from each team must be present. All anglers are encouraged to attend. The rules of this tournament may be amended verbally or in writing at the time of the meeting. Anglers are responsible for being well informed of all rules.
ELIGIBLE FISH: Redfish and Spotted Seatrout. All fish presented for weigh-in must be in fresh, edible condition and caught that tournament day. No mutilated fish (based on tournament committee’s opinion) will be accepted. All participating anglers are urged to release those fish not to be entered into the tournament. The release of fish should be in keeping with the best conservation methods to ensure continued life.
TOURNAMENT CHALLENGE: The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be the team with the highest combined weight of the two fish species. The “Challenge” prize money includes: 1st Place $1,500, 2nd Place $700, and 3rd Place $300. If the Tournament Challenge is not met, then the prize money will be divided equally and awarded to the top teams with the heaviest fish of each species. (Heaviest Redfish: 1st Place $750, 2nd Place $350 and 3rd Place $150. Heaviest Seatrout: 1st Place $750, 2nd. Place $350 and 3rd Place $150)
For more, visit www.bluewatersportfishingboats.com.