The Magellan SporTrak Pro is a versatile tool for the serious salt water angler. Useful in backcountry waters, bays or the open sea, the compact GPS provides the boater with important navigation data, including range and bearing to waypoint and speed. The floating, waterproof unit has a 12-parallel-channel GPS receiver that is WAAS enabled for 3-meter accuracy. The lightweight GPS has a 9 MB North American basemap of waterways and marine navaids and comes with 23 MB of built-in memory for downloading map detail, points of interest or topographic maps from the Magellan MapSend software family. The SporTak Pro can hold up to 500 waypoints and 20 reversible routes with up to 30 legs and has a 2.3″ by 1.4″ LCD screen. The suggested retail price of the Magellan SporTrak Pro is $299.99. Thales Navigation, San Dimas, California; (800) 669-4477; www.magellangps.com.