Si-Tex SP-110 Autopilot
The Si-Tex SP-110 autopilot combines advanced steering features, push-button operation and open-boat reliability for small to medium-size powerboats. The Virtual Rudder Feedback eliminates the need for a separate rudder feedback unit and bolsters the pilot’s simplicity, affordability, performance and reliability.
The compact splashproof control head, measuring just over 4 inches square, can find a place at the helm of just about any boat, no matter how tight the space. Cosmetics match other Si-Tex instruments, such as the SST-110 digital water-temperature gauge and SDD-110 digital depth gauge, for an attractive and integrated helm appearance.
The SP-110 fits hydraulically steered boats with a reversing pump or continuous drive and can be installed on mechanically steered inboards, outboards and sterndrives when paired with the Si-Tex Remote Mechanical Drive system. $3,299; www.si-tex.com