Sat Choice
Intellian’s new satellite phone and data antennas are sized and priced for larger offshore fishing boats. The FB150 ($7,300) at 9 pounds is 17.3 inches high and provides voice and data at 150kbps. The FB250 ($11,000) has a 284 kbps data rate, is the same size as the FB150, and provides simultaneous access to data, voice, and text messaging. The FB500 ($17,000) is a feature-rich product line that weighs 34.1 pounds, is 28.3 inches high, and has a 432 kbps data rate. All have a three-year warranty, and Inmarsat’s global broadband I4 satellite coverage and are compliant with XL and ATC future services; provide simultaneous voice and data service; have IP connection for e-mail, Internet, fax and SMS; LAN interface, and single-user and multiuser router features; and IP handset interface.