
Fisheries Watch

Welcome Back Codder
After a six-week closure of a portion of Massachusetts Bay, cod fishing is open for business. The closure to both recreational and commercial fishing ended January 15. For information, visit

Fluke Quota Shrinks…Again
The National Marine Fisheries Service reduced the 2006 quota for summer flounder to 23.59 million pounds to stay on course with the stock goal for 2010. This is the second reduction of the quota, which was originally set for 33 million pounds. For information, visit

Texas to Rewrite Fish Laws
Anglers in Texas will see some changes starting in 2006. Among the potential regulation changes are proposals to:

  • Eliminate the red drum tag program by adding or including a fish longer than 28 inches to the daily limit of three 20- to 28-inch fish.

  • Eliminate the trophy tarpon tag and implement a one-fish bag limit.

  • List tripletail as a gamefish with a minimum-size limit of 17 inches and a three-fish bag limit.
    For information, visit
