In Search of a Rising Tide, an artistic 30-minute film, introduces the “first families” of bonefishing and their nostalgic lifestyle on Andros Island. Filmmaker Jamie Howard captures the essence of this history through interviews with pioneer guides including Rudy Bell, Errold Braynen and Charlie Smith (the namesake of the Crazy Charlie fly). While these dockside conversations are colorful and interesting, no documentary about this subject would be complete without a little fishing. To this end, Howard tags along with modern-day guides Andy Smith and Charlie Neymour in search of giant bones. While you won’t learn the secrets to catching more bonefish with this video, you will gain an understanding of those who have helped to make the pursuit of this species one of the most popular pastimes of saltwater fly-fishing.
Exploring the roots of fly-fishing enhances our understanding and enjoyment of it. Joe Brooks on Fishing and In Search of a Rising Tide demonstrate the captivating story lines and underlying principles of fly-fishing – from flies, equipment and techniques, to the outright adventure of it all. Take a look at these titles and use them as a starting point for your own ambitions.
**In Search of a Rising Tide
**By Jamie Howard
(Howard Films, 2004,
30 minutes; DVD; $20