One of our most reviewed — and arguably one of fishing’s best-known and most-recognized — nameplates, Boston Whaler prides itself on bringing to market “the safest, easiest to own, most exciting boats on the water.” It’s been doing that for almost 60 years, developing what it embraces as the “Unsinkable Legend,” seaworthiness even beyond its famous foam.
Yes, a Boston Whaler’s hull and liner are joined while still in their molds to withstand the forces that develop when foam is injected. The three components fuse into a single unit, what the company calls its Unibond construction process. While that proven technique is still used to produce the famously unsinkable boats, designs continue to evolve to serve boaters’ (and particularly anglers’) diverse and changing needs. What doesn’t change is the use of yacht-quality hardware, through-hull fittings bonded to the hull, and hose fittings sealed and secured with adhesive and then double-clamped. All part of the Unsinkable Legend.
Our respondents particularly lauded Boston Whaler’s design and construction, and its rock-solid value. Within those categories, they praised its brand reputation, customer service and resale value, and its construction and safety. That’s more than what people like about Boston Whaler — it’s what they feel about that familiar red logo.
Anglers looking to step up their inshore or offshore game without sacrificing any comfort are the people for whom Boston Whaler built its 240 Dauntless Pro.
Its serious fishing features include a single-level stern casting deck, with storage and a 38-gallon center livewell within it. (Another livewell is at the front of the console.) Rod holders stand ready at the console front and on the tower.
Ah, yes, the new Pro Angler’s Tower: It features a portside ladder for easy ascent and descent, and a state-of-the-art upper helm with full controls, a leaning pad, a backrest with dual rocket launchers and an integrated footrest in the hardtop frame. One stands securely on the typical cockpit helm, which itself, with a glass front windshield and optional side curtains, is protected from harsh elements.
Incorporated into the leaning post, which accommodates a large cooler, are more rod holders. Fishing options include a Power-Pole, trolling motor and jack plate.
Those creature comforts? Comfortable bow seating features flip-up backrests and under-seat storage. The console houses a head/changing/storage compartment; a portable toilet is standard, a portable head with deck pump-out an option. On that aft casting deck, two sets of seat cushions and backrests plug in for runs and pack away at fishing time.
More Info bostonwhaler.com