Ranger 169 Ghost
The new 169 Ghost is the ultimate in technical fly-fishingmachines in the Ranger boat arsenal. It was designed to take fulladvantage of skinny water as well as effectively use the limitedamount of storage space skiffs generally offer. The result is asleek, clean skiff that will get you and all your gear shallow.
At 16 feet 9 inches and with a draft of only 6 1/2 inches, theGhost is the perfect size for poling into the shallowest flats, yetit still offers large, unobstructed forward and aft casting decks.The hull allows the Ghost to be effortlessly poled in the skinniestof waters and to track like it’s on rails, regardless of current orwind conditions. The transom was built using Ranger’s “Pultruded”fiberglassing system, and the hull is reinforced with an extensivefiberglass stringer system. The Ghost also boasts Ranger’s UprightLevel Flotation to keep it true and stable in the water even underuneven weight distributions. The hull was designed with “zero slaphull technology,” making the 169 among the quickest poling boatsaround.
The fit and finish of the Ghost includes attention to suchdetails as gelcoated storage boxes, an exclusive O-ring seal on allcompartments so the lids are whisper-quiet and watertight, andstainless-steel hardware and pop-up cleats throughout. Storageincludes a large in-deck compartment forward and two outboardcompartments in the aft deck. Undergunwale rod storage will holdrods only up to 8 feet, but combined with upright storage along theconsole, the Ghost offers enough room for plenty of fly rods.
In addition, this boat is built to accept larger horsepowerengines and to have larger fuel tanks so you can go farther,faster.
Standard features include a stainless-steel steering wheel withan assist knob and no-feedback steering, a recirculating aeratedlivewell, trim tabs, poling platform and a Genmar FirstMateassistance package that works like roadside assistance forcars.
LOA: 16’9″
BEAM: 6’10”
DRAFT: 6 1/2″
WEIGHT: 975 pounds
FUEL: 29 gallons
POWER: 90-hp Mercury
Wood Manufacturing Co.