
Rigging for Tarpon

There are excellent and proficient tarpon fishermen and guides who all use different styles, and they work for them.

Earle Fletcher of Spring Hill, Florida, asks: Which knots do you prefer for attaching a tarpon leader to the shock leader, asnell or a loop? Also, which hook style do you prefer, a straighteye or an up eye?

Lefty: There are excellent and proficient tarpon fishermen and guides who all use different styles, and they work for them. I prefer a loop knot and think the Non-Slip Knot is best,although a Duncan Loop (uni-knot) works well, too. As for hooks, for big tarpon I prefer a size 3/0 hook of the finest steel I canget. My personal preference is a Gamakatsu – but you can’t go wrongwith Owner, Mustad or Tiemco hooks. With a loop knot, the eye ofthe hook is less important, but I prefer a straight or ringeye.
