
Best places to fish in Bermuda

Bermuda boasts some of the most difficult bonefish to deceive with a fly...

Q: I’m planning a trip to Bermuda with my wife – is there any bonefishing there? If so, are there any guides, or can you recommend locations to fish?”

Pete Franklin
Cincinnati, Ohio

A: Pete, I have fished in Bermuda for bonefish several times. Because the flats are adjacent to deep water, almost all the bones are large – 10-pounders are not uncommon. However, there are only a few places that you can find them, and it takes intimate knowledge of the tides and such to catch what I feel are some of the most difficult bonefish to deceive with a fly.


Capt. James Pearman was the only bonefish guide I knew in Bermuda, but he passed away not long ago. One of my fishing contacts said that someone bought his skiff, Jump Dem Bones, and is now guiding. Since Bermuda is such a small island, I’m sure if you wrote the Chamber of Commerce, someone there could help you locate this person.
