The weather has warmed up very nicely this week and the winds have dropped off after our first cold front. Water temps are climbing back up into the 70s – perfect conditions in the 10k. A small front arrived today making for cooler conditions and very little wind.
Fishing has been good with lots of shots at quality reds and a few snook laid up warming themselves in the shallows. This week’s tides were high with a big rush of water midday making for some good fishing early and late in the day on the outgoing.
Wednesday I started on the outside but the incoming tide and early morning light made for a decision to run far to the back. Fakahatchee was still low as we ran down into the Park. I knew we would have a shot but it wouldn’t last long with the incoming on our heels.
On the first point we found a nice red, no take; second point, small red to the boat; third point, 2 big reds tailing on an oyster bar. The perfect shot, just as the fly landed a dolphin rushed the bar and all was gone. What are the odds? Time to go; tide is quickly catching up with us.
We headed further back into a little bay where I knew the tide had not yet reached. The water was shallow, clear and still low. No sooner than I climbed the platform, I spotted a very nice red cruising the bank. Off to the side, I saw the tell-tale sign of what I knew was a shark headed towards us. Just as my angler cast to the red, I saw that it wasn’t a shark but a manatee in ten inches of water and this guy blew up like I have never seen before – his tail throwing water and mud 5 feet in the air. When things settled down we could see that he had cut a trough across the bay as big as any prop scar you have seen. We ended the day with the incoming tide catching up with us, seeing a few more reds and one snook.
We will keep you posted,
Capt Bill Baldus