NOAA red snapper
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will meet Wednesday, July 17, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana to establish 2013 red snapper quotas and a supplemental recreational red snapper season.
In May, the Council increased the red snapper quota because they felt the population was growing. The red snapper overall quota increased from 2012’s 8.080 to 8.460 million pounds whole weight for 2013.
The special one-day meeting will decide what to do with additional red snapper poundage its scientific committee determined is available to be caught this year, reports Jeff Dute of al.com.
The Council will hear public testimony on these issues. Anyone wishing to speak before the Council should complete a public comment card prior to the comment period. Anyone who cannot attend the public comment session and wishes to submit written comments can do so by clicking here.