The snell knot was invented long ago when it was the only way to attach the fishing line to an eye-less hook, but many anglers still use it today. One benefit of the snell knot is that it aligns the fishing line or leader with the hook shank, resulting in a straight, solid set. Snelled hooks are often used when fishing natural baits for species such as striped bass and flounder, and fly anglers have long used the snell knot to attach tarpon streamers to heavy leaders. The snell knot is also useful for tying tandem-hook rigs: simply tie the trailing hook to a long tag end coming off the rear of the lead hook.
Snell Knot Tying Steps
1. Thread the leader through the hook eye.
2. Form 6-inch loop below the shank.
3. Pinch the loop against the shank with one hand, then wrap the front “leg” of the loop tightly around the shank toward the hook bend, keeping the wraps tight against one another.
4. After making six wraps, pull on the standing part of the line to close the loop and tighten the wraps around the shank. Slide the wraps to the hook eye and finish tightening the knot by pulling on both strands. Trim the tag end.